Dimensional Wisdom.

Custom WordPress redesign with WooCommerce integration to showcase thought leadership content and sell online.


What we did

We conducted in-depth market research and data gathering, designed a custom 30+ page WordPress website and WooCommerce store with original graphics, developed the full enhanced platform for optimal functioning, integrated payment gateways and custom video, installed and tested the new site, migrated content, and promoted the launch on social media.


overcoming problems

The client had an outdated, ineffective WordPress site with limited ecommerce capability. We overcame this through research to understand his ideal audience, programs and products I.P, then designed an improved UX, built robust WooCommerce shop functionality, ensured a smooth data migration, and rigorous testing to guarantee a seamless transition to the new platform.



The new DimensionalWisdom.com provides a modern look and user experience, complete ecommerce functionality, and showcases the client’s thought leadership content, programs, services and book sales. This achieves their goals of generating leads through compelling content marketing, building their audience, and selling products online.

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Get expert evaluation of your Product, Marketing and Systems management. Use products and content experiences for your go-to-market strategy and custom use cases. No sales allowed.